Friday, April 28, 2017

DTMF (dual tone multiple frequency)

DTMF (dual tone multiple frequency) project.

A DTMF is one of the electronic control system in which we can control our device with our mobile phone as we like.

The basic function on which our (dtmf ) works is

1) dual tone 
2) multiple frequency
3) pad dialling 
4) reversible system

The basic circuit diagram of DTMF

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Automatic night light sensor

                      Automatic night light sensor

Hi ,,, Every one

welcome to learning times :)

Today we are going to learn about ...

Automatic night light....

first we need some simple parts here

1) resistor R1 = 1k ohm

2) resistor R2 = 400 ohm

3) LDR ( light dependent resistor )

4) trinsistor  3904

5) led                                                                    

connect all the parts as shown in the circuit diagram properly and do not allow the short circuit there . And power the circuit with 6 volt battery .

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Rare flower ever found in nepal

Rare flower found in nepal

Nepal is a land lock country and almost all regions of nepal is covered with green vegitation and forests .

Among them there are mountains and high hills in nepal.

There are different plants and flower found in nepal
among them there are some rare flower found in
In nepali language it is called as "eechi"

Magnetic core reactor

                          The magnetic core reactor generator

Magnetic core reactor is a magnetic flux fusion reactor that could be used to generate electricity . By using high stress magnetic flux influence of soft iron core bounded with copper coil can generate up to 2.1 kw electricity.

The Magnetic core fusion reactor is an approach or making to generating fusion power and reactor that uses magnetic fields and flux which is a magnetic influence of electric currents and magnetic materials.To confine the hot fusion fuel in the form of a fourth matter plasma. Magnetic confinement is one of two major branches of fusion flux energy research team the other being magnetic core fusion.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Resistor color code

How to find the value of Resistor value

To find the resistors value the following process is done.

HY.....I am pawan, and i am going to tell how to find the resistors value that is in OHMS
AS you know that there are two types of resistors used in the circuits .
They are
1) four band resistor 
2) five band resistor

In the  circuit board usually four band resistor is used .
There are the value of their color codes.
1) BLACK  ---------- 0
2) BROWN-----------1
3) RED       -----------2
4) ORANGE---------3
5) YELLOW---------4
6) GREEN------------5
7) BLUE--------------6
8) VIOLET-----------7
9) GREY--------------8
10) WHITE-----------9

LET us consider four color band resistor

and choose four color

RED          2
BLACK    0
GOLD      5%

The value of resistor would be
simply we can say the value is
120 ohms with 5% tolerance 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Paramoter made in dhanusha nepal

Dhanusha - Nepal

## A flying Paramoter made by two students in dhanusha district nepal.

There are many developing minds  in nepal who are always developing new things daily,
Among them there are two students who had developed the flying machine, paramoter named
as  HIMAL PAHAAD TERAI PARAMOTER which was a model of  para-glider with an engine  of near 200cc  power  and about 150 kg thrust power that can lift a person easily.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hydraulic powered arm machine

Hydraulic powered arm machine (HPAM)

Hydraulic :-   Hydraulic machines are machinery and tools that use liquid fluid                             power to do simple work. Heavy equipment is a common example.

Robotic arm :-  Robotic hand is simply called as robotic arm. A robotic hand  is a type of mechanical arm, usually programmable, with similar functions to a human arm; the arm may be the sum total of the mechanism or physical equipment's developed from machine parts.

Some of my own collections of robotic hand or arm.

                                                                                 I thought that it would be really neat to have a robotic hand or arm that I can control with my own hand by me. The basic useful components of the hand arm and glove are the hand  itself, the servos motors , and the Arduino, the glove model, and the flex based sensors and flex wire are helping to complete . This guide will show you all the steps required to build your ow
n robotic hand .